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    Squashed 'src/' changes from 498f08b..ff3860f · d0bc9539
    mozul authored
    ff3860f Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
    d71310e Merge branch 'fix_import' into 'dev'
    e990229 [FIX] fix lmgc90 module import in pre_lmgc
    6400b4b [FIX] fix vtk module import
    8d1b6cf [FIX] import vtk module instead of import all of vtk module
    1c9f1a3 Merge branch 'fd_fix_PRPLx' into 'dev'
    5dc5300 correction bug read_ini PRPLx
    c004eb7 Merge branch 'fd_fix_DR' into 'dev'
    4afabd9 correction erreur diagonal resolution
    a17faef Merge branch 'fix_compil' into 'dev'
    710a15f [COMPIL] fix stand_alone compilation
    c59f955 Merge branch 'fd_fix_restart' into 'dev'
    092a4fb some modifications to be more clear
    edfb94b Merge branch 'fd_fix_coro' into 'dev'
    8ff40be maj get_nodes pour F. Perales
    20bd83e modifs xqs_wet 3D et F. Perales
    d849504 modifs pour le coro 2D, correction diagonal resolution
    91b93d9 Merge branch 'frozar_python_vtk_for_dev' into 'dev'
    80ba483 [CHIPY] add a warning when an unavailable function is called
    d186f70 [CHIPY] Create the file 'ChiPy/src/macro/' to store the variable 'is_vtk_display'.         This module of configuration is used in:          * 'ChiPy/src/macro/'          * 'ChiPy/src/macro/'         Depending on the value of 'config.is_vtk_display', functions which call         vtk function are enable or not.
    3337080 Merge branch 'jenkins_novisu_for_dev' into 'dev'
    7ef0a42 [PRE_LMGC] Add a new module to parse argument from command line: novisu mode.            Disable the execution of 'visuAvatars()' directly inside the function.
    c5a13b0 Merge branch 'fd_fix_plpl_nc' into 'dev'
    b65a30a prise en compte modifs de FC qui introduit la normale au candidat
    6c3e045 maj
    4cc7b10 first fix
    deac932 Merge branch 'fix_parameters' into 'dev'
    ed4ba71 [FIX] some error in parameters module and automatic initialization of dictinnaries in chipy.Initialize
    71a5904 Merge branch 'debug_omp' into 'dev'
    9684b45 [FIX] some local variables missed the private OMP variable
    14d9aba Merge branch 'POLYG' into 'dev'
    634d36b bcp de bugs !
    f73d369 Merge branch 'parameters' into 'dev'
    bd36139 [DEV] use array size when checking parameter id validity, update doxygen, and only xxxx string for unknown id
    3816195 [FIX] typos
    7b6cb1e [FIX] complete accessor (even for unused maps) and same ordering of parameters definition/use in all files
    50fe325 [FIX] correct association within body_type, contactor_type and interaction_type parameters
    31d1fc0 [FIX] correct association within dime_mode parameters
    68bd362 [FIX] fix error message
    c822249 [DEV] use a pre-allocated array to store all possible name of parameters
    e0588f9 [FIX] fix some minor error in parameters module
    0faa5fb [DEV] creating some config dictionnaries to get LMGC90 parameters
    6a6d32c [FIX] forgot to add parameters module interface to pylmgc90
    e84a693 [DEV] adding accessor on 'parameters' module
    065162c Merge branch 'doc' into 'dev'
    d035fda [DOC] updated ** can indiferently used with python 2 or 3
    da8fdd5 [FIX] use correct Python executable within subprocess call of Python itself
    4e95846 [DOC] adding some reminder of Doxygen syntax within 'coding rules' section of sphinx dev
    3859f16 [DOC] attemp to improve syntax of docstring in sphinx doc
    0f0b0f0 [DOC] changing ' to " in Doxygen
    8150772 [DOC] add an ugly sed+regex command to generate nicer docstrings
    46d3e92 [DOC] update file
    5c53049 Merge branch 'fd_bugfix' into 'dev'
    acc9300 correction bug read_ini ptpt3 ; mauvaise gestion big_polyr
    42f15f9 Merge branch 'POLYG' into 'dev'
    86b1f13 display iter check
    f7f5c07 bug remove global_distance
    76e1fea remove global_distance
    f4cb80a re-bug sur la tab visu des Big POLYG
    c8a62f6 bug sur la tab visu des Big POLYG
    4db0b25 periodic in non convex
    6112564 clean double contact
    c1bc1ce some comments
    484c5ec more bugs!
    3a14f1e encore et encore ...
    96d376d bug bug ...
    b68e4f4 la suite ...
    a7cf909 debut ...
    81d01f9 Merge branch 'fd_bugfix' into 'dev'
    7fdf021 correction bug spcd pour de vrai
    a4fe380 correction bug spcd
    7b29c7c Merge branch 'fd_fixbug' into 'dev'
    e7dcaa3 modifs detection PRPR + corrections mineures
    a34797d Merge branch 'readme' into 'dev'
    f997a44 [DOC] fix markdown syntax
    59a2814 Merge branch 'readme' into 'dev'
    0ad52e7 [DOC] Update section of README from centos 6.6 to centos 7
    0d53eff [DOC] fix readme file
    39e9aee [DOC] fix brief doxygen keyword typo
    74feb77 [COMPIL] add gfortran compilation flags to allow long line
    e3763ec Merge branch 'fd_fixbug' into 'dev'
    d1b01f6 correction bug
    04d29d9 Merge branch 'fd_ajouts' into 'dev'
    d30ee44 Core/src/contact_3D/mod_PRPRx.f90
    c05ba68 correction bug periodic si une seule boite
    0a3eee2 modif pour detection big polyr et diverses corrections
    47b970b Merge branch 'compilation_flags' into 'dev'
    53708f8 [COMPIL] fix compilation of standalone
    1490d17 relecture par fd
    f698a80 [CMAKE] remove contrib/linearAlgebra useless directory
    39cda3c [CMAKE] moving MUMPs from contribs/linearAlgebra to contribs/ directory
    1f4132f [DOC] documenting cmake implementation
    1c34e46 [CMAKE] remove obsolte macro
    cba94e6 [CMAKE] fix first detection of Python header location
    657740b [CMAKE] remove useless macro setting LAPACK compilation flags
    083631b [CMAKE] remove LAPACK sources and only relies on the one found on the system
    23c12bb [CMAKE] better handling of python interpretor/library/header user defined or automatically detected
    88b7cb5 [CMAKE] fix error in MUMPs compilation flags
    84ffb8c [CMAKE] caching values of flags for all library within CMakeCache.txt
    474d869 [CMAKE] fix forgot include
    c5e38f1 [CMAKE] specific compilation flag management for library compiled as internal project
    8e27218 [CMAKE] compilation flags for the contribs are now defined in main CMakeLists.txt and fix compilation of MUMPs with BUILD_LAPACK
    97597d7 [CMAKE] build all lapack libraries (not only double fonctions) and use of specific compiler options
    47343ee [CMAKE] add profiling OPT option and fix compilation flags to be independent for each contrib
    1f8029f Merge branch 'fd_ajouts' into 'dev'
    4e5e88d nettoyage print
    3595be4 modif dans polyr_wireframe (passage angle pour elimination noeuds sur cotes), ajout setcontactorcolor
    20be93e Merge branch '2016.rc4' into 'dev'
    bd15bce Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
    ed992f2 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
    1197b55 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
    ae6c187 Merge branch 'dev' into 'master'
    git-subtree-dir: src
    git-subtree-split: ff3860fb85fba1dcbe0ea9f6cd02a0180b5d2d09